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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
This article is about the bits between the show and the ads. For the television advertisements, see Commercial.


Still not as catchy as ABC's Aaaafter theeese messages, we'll be riiiight back!

Commercial bumpers are short segments used to mark the start and end of a commercial segment during a television show. They have been used in many Transformers cartoons.

Japanese term: Eye catch

Generation One[]

The original Transformers cartoon featured a rotating series of commercial bumpers, which changed by season. The music for all seasons remained the same, however, with Victor Caroli narrating "The Transformers will return after these messages" and "We now return to The Transformers", while a character transformed. The animation for the season 1 and 2 bumpers was provided by Toei while the animation for the season 3 and 4 bumpers was provided by AKOM.



This image can also be found on every vintage trapper keeper, pencil case and paper party cup you'll ever find.

The Transformers will return:

  • Optimus Prime transforms to robot mode.
  • Jazz drives out from behind an Autobot symbol, spins out while transforming to robot mode, and backs off-screen while firing.

We now return to the Transformers:

  • Starscream flies over Earth, transforms to robot mode and lands.
  • Laserbeak flies under cam in cassette mode; a passing Decepticon symbol hides his transformation to condor mode.



Little known fact: Shockwave invented disco.

The Season Two commercial bumpers are distinguished by their bright, solid-color backgrounds.

The Transformers will return:

  • Cosmos transforms and lands on an upside-down planetoid, which then rotates so he's upright.
  • Omega Supreme transforms from base to robot and fires.
  • Shockwave transforms from gun to robot and fires at the camera
  • Devastator forms, raises his fists together and is enveloped by an energy glow.
  • Blitzwing transforms from a plane to a robot to a tank.

We now return to the Transformers:

  • Thrust transforms to robot mode and lands.
  • Warpath transforms to tank mode and drives under the camera.
  • Astrotrain flies past in shuttle mode, changes to robot mode and fires, then changes to locomotive form and drives into the camera.
  • Grimlock changes to dino mode and uses his tail to smash a rock outcrop with the Decepticon emblem.
  • Hook, in crane mode, lifts a sign declaring "We now return to the Transformers".



Trypticon destroy obnoxious text!!

The Transformers will return:

  • Sharkticon, transforming to shark mode and walking into the camera.
  • Rodimus Prime, dodging fire from Cyclonus before changing to vehicle mode.
  • Base-mode Trypticon fires, then transforms to dinosaur mode.

We now return to the Transformers:

  • Ultra Magnus, discharging two passengers (Kup and Spinger) before transforming to robot mode.
  • Blurr flies past camera, transforms and fires.


The Transformers will return:

  • Scorponok transforms from base to scorpion, scuttles at the camera, and transforms to robot.

We now return to the Transformers:

  • Highbrow transforms from helicopter to robot over a planet.

The Headmasters[]

Every bumper for The Headmasters featured the same narration: A cry of "Head On!"

Into first commercial:

  • Laser-pistol-mode Sixshot leaps from Galvatron's hand, transforms to robot mode and fires a volley of shots from his blasters.

First return to show:

  • Jet-mode Brainstorm flies and spins through space, then transforms to robot mode and fires a blast.

Into second commercial:

  • Vehicle-mode Chromedome dodges two blasts from offscreen, then transforms to robot mode and fires back.

Second return to show:

  • Tank-mode Hardhead comes under fire from behind, and turns to return fire before transforming to robot mode.

Super-God Masterforce[]

Every Super-God Masterforce bumper is accompanied by a drawn-out cry of "Mastaaaaa-FORCE!"

First rotation[]

Into first commercial:

  • Jet-mode Metalhawk flies over a polar wasteland, then transforms to robot mode and fires two shots.

First return to show:

Into second commercial:

  • Jet-mode Blood flies over a city and shoots and a building, then transforms to robot mode.

Second return to show:

Before closing credits:

  • Truck-mode Ginrai drives across a rocky landscape, and transforms to robot mode.

Second rotation[]

Into first commercial:

  • Jet-mode Metalhawk flies over a polar wasteland, then transforms to robot mode and fires two shots.

First return to show:

Into second commercial:

Second return to show:

Before closing credits:

  • Super Ginrai bursts out of a volcano in vehicle mode and transforms into robot mode.

Third rotation[]

Into first commercial:

  • Ship-mode Grand Maximus flies through a smokey battlefield, fires off a shot, and transforms to robot mode.

First return to show:

  • Super Ginrai tears through a wall of strange organic material, then combines with Godbomber into God Ginrai. This bumper was also reused

Into second commercial:

  • Scorpion-mode BlackZarak scuttles through a dark canyon and transforms to robot mode.

Second return to show:

Before closing credits:

  • Super Ginrai tears through a wall of strange organic material, then combines with Godbomber into God Ginrai. This bumper was also reused

The final episode of the series, "You Too Use the Masterforce to Transform" feature a unique final bumper, starring Cab's pet parrot and armadillo. The parrot rides around on top of the rolled up armadillo, then falls off as the armadillo uncurls.


Victory's bumpers were distinguished by their use of cutesy "super deformed" characters, who would destroy the opposing faction's insignia.

After opening credits:

Victory bumpers

When your room looks kinda weird, and you wish that you weren't the-ere...

  • Star Saber flies in and transforms, then slashes the Decepticon insignia, which falls apart to reveal the Autobot insignia beneath.

Into commercial:

  • Deathsaurus falls into shot in beast mode, transforms and smashes the Autobot insignia with his mace, which crumbles away to expose the Decepticon insignia.

Back to show:

  • The Dinoforce combine into Dinoking, who jumps on the Autobot insignia, then cheerfully plucks the Decepticon insignia from rubble.

Before closing credits:

  • Holi destroys the Decepticon insignia by bursting out of it in car mode, then transforms to watch Jean as he pushes the Autobot insignia into shot. Holi leans against it and Jean salutes.
  • The Brainmasters combine into Road Caesar and kick the Decepticon logo and the camera follows it as it rolls off to the right, past the Autobot logo, and falls over. Road Caesar jumps on it and dusts his hands off. Curiously, this bumper was only featured in "Attack! Leozack"

Generation 2[]

Generation 2 incorporated CGI clips from the line's toy commercials, each one featuring a piece of unique narration.

Into commercial:

  • The Constructicons start smashing stuff as the narrator appeals to the audience: "Hey, don't trash the place! Transformers: Generation 2 will be right back!"
  • Ramjet swoops down and transforms to robot mode as the narrator requests: "Don't go ballistic! Transformers: Generation 2 will be right back!"
  • The Dinobots burst out of the ground.
  • Jazz drives off a ramp and transforms to robot mode, firing his blaster.

Beast Wars[]

Beast Wars featured only a single, short commercial bumper, with the show's logo from the opening credits accompanied by the "BEAST WARS!" cry, and Garry Chalk proclaiming either "We'll be right back!" or "We're back!" as appropriate.

Robots In Disguise[]

Into commercial:

Back to show:

  • CGI clip of Optimus Prime's transformation from the original Car Robots opening credits. Kaplan: "Shift--shape--and ready to roll--back to Transformers on Fox Kids!"
  • Side Burn's face appears on his own car-mode viewscreen. Wingert: "Dude! We're cruising the fast track, back to Transformers on Fox Kids!"

Super Link[]

The Japanese version of the Energon cartoon featured still shots of various characters, who would introduce themselves to the audience or give their characteristic rallying cry ("Galvatron—hyper mode!" for example). Rather than follow a fixed pattern across the series or be chosen randomly, the bumpers would often relate to the events of the episode during which they appeared, and characters would sometimes make references to what was happening in the show at the time. The special episode "Distribution" featured an abundance of original commercial bumpers which didn't actually lead into commercials, but were just included for "fun" in the middle of the show.

Super Link's commercial bumpers didn't make it into Energon (because it took commercial breaks more frequently and at different times), but the fake bumpers from "Distribution" did, since they were actually part of the episode. Naturally, the joke (weak as it was in the first place) was met with dull bemusement by the Energon audience, since viewers who had not seen Super Link(i.e. most of the viewing audience) had no idea what they were.

Transformers Animated[]

No commercial bumpers were made for this series since Cartoon Network stopped making cartoon-related bumpers.

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