Classified is the 5th episode of Transformers: EarthSpark.
A G.H.O.S.T. agent mistakenly begins pursuing the Terrans, forcing them to keep a low profile.
Robby Malto creeps through a smoky black void, looking for his Terran siblings. Twitch and Thrash call out to him, only to be pulled into a truck by a G.H.O.S.T. agent and carried away before he can catch up to them. Robby attempts to follow, but he is blocked by the enormous form of Optimus Prime, warning him that nothing lasts forever as Robby watches his cyber-sleeve disappear from his hand...
Robby wakes with a start from his nightmare as Twitch looks in from his window, offering to look at baby foxes with him to help him calm down. The two head for the woods, but find the foxes' den abandoned, the mother having presumably moved her kits due to their repeated visits. Robby suggests they split up to keep looking, but during his search, he runs into a group of G.H.O.S.T. agents. Sensing his fear, Twitch doubles back and picks him up, quickly retreating when the agents assume her to be a Decepticon and start firing on her. The leader chastises his cadets for nearly blasting a human civilian, and decides to leave the capture of the supposed Con in the most capable hands he knows—his own.
The next morning, the four Malto children are visiting Dot's ranger station for the first time, and while Twitch, Thrash, and Mo are fascinated, Robby is still exhausted and enters a storage room for a nap. His sleep is quickly interrupted, however, when one of the stack of boxes pops out and the G.H.O.S.T. agent from the previous night attempts to squeeze his way through the gap. Panicked, Robby runs back to his mother to warn her, and she orders the kids outside. Dot opens the door, careful to block the intruder from seeing the children, and comes face-to-face with Special Agent Jon Schloder, who entered via a G.H.O.S.T. elevator in the storage room. Schloder informs Dot that she'll be working with him on his mission to find a Decepticon kidnapper terrorizing Witwicky. Realizing the risk his presence poses to the Terrans, Dot texts the kids orders to go home immediately. As she drives away with Schloder, Robby directs the others on an alternate route to avoid being seen.
As they drive, Scholoder tells Dot that she'll need to undergo G.H.O.S.T. training and that he'll need to go to her house to question her children, despite her protests. She texts the kids once more, this time telling them not to go home. Mo doesn't understand why Robby seems so nervous, but before they can debate further, the ground opens beneath them and they suddenly fall into a deep hole lined with metal. As a barrier closes above them, Robby realizes they're trapped in an old Decepticon hologram pit trap. Twitch and Thrash attempt to breach the barrier, but are electrified on contact. As they attempt to find a way out, Twitch lets slip about her and Robby being attacked the previous night, angering Mo that Robby didn't tell her. Robby retorts that he doesn't have to tell her everything, and their negative emotions begin to bleed over to the Terrans via their emotional link. Thankfully, they are interrupted by the arrival of Optimus Prime, who deactivates the barrier and retrieves the children. Optimus explains that he and G.H.O.S.T. have been sweeping the area looking for a "dangerous Decepticon". Knowing the Terrans will be taken away if G.H.O.S.T. finds them, he directs the four to hide in his trailer while he transports them somewhere safe.
As Dot and Schloder arrive at the Malto house, she sends a coded message to Alex via the doorbell, warning him to hide the bots. Alex orders Bumblebee to hide and quietly assures Dot that the kids are with Optimus as the two do their best to distract Schloder. Unfortunately, Schloder hears the sound of Bumblebee transforming and goes to investigate the barn, only to find a very stylish looking sports car that totally isn't an Autobot in disguise. Impressed with the car, Schloder requisitions its use in the search, though Alex insists that he must be the one to drive it. With Alex now escorting him, much to Bumblebee's chagrin, Schloder sends Dot back to the ranger station, ordering her to take the elevator to G.H.O.S.T. HQ to undergo her training.
When Dot arrives for her orientation, Optimus is waiting for her. Dot is unimpressed by the cheesy brochures, though Optimus claims they are meant as an effort to stem decades of humans fearing Transformers, and begins sending her through the incredibly dry orientation sequence, corny promotional video and all. In downtown Witwicky, Bumblebee is none too pleased at running errands for Schloder, but Alex reminds him it's for the sake of keeping Dot and the kids safe. However, Bumblebee refuses to allow Schloder inside with a powdered sugar donut, locking his door then knocking him over when he attempts to force it open.
The Malto kids continue to sit in the trailer, under orders from Optimus not to come out until he says so, but Mo and Robby are still arguing over him keeping his and Twitch's night walks a secret. Their rage causes Thrash to aggressively throw the ball he's playing with, which hits himself and knocks the trailer doors open. Emerging, they realize they are in G.H.O.S.T. headquarters. Though Mo reminds him they were told to stay put, Robby decides to look around. Unfortunately, they are spotted by the cadets from the previous night, who recognize Twitch and begin chasing the Maltos through the facility. Seeing an open room, the kids duck inside and seal the door, relieved to be safe...until they realize they've entered the Autobots' training room, which activates a high-level training simulation.
Schloder gets a call from the cadets warning him that the Decepticon is loose in their base. Convinced the car is faulty after all the times Bumblebee has messed with him, Schloder flags down a passing old woman for a ride instead, while Bumblebee places a covert call to Optimus. In the simulator, a holographic human calls for help as lasers begin firing on the Maltos. With the door sealed and no phone reception, Mo and Robby's argument comes to a head, with Robby expressing his doubts that things will always work out. Twitch and Thrash realize that they can channel the anger they're feeling into strength like with Thrash's ball, and they begin taking out the various laser armaments. Seeing Twitch and Thrash work together and save them from an oncoming blast, Robby and Mo make amends and call a truce.
As the video finishes, Dot remains unconvinced of G.H.O.S.T.'s intentions given all the secrecy, asking Optimus if he really believes he's on the right side. Optimus admits that G.H.O.S.T. were the only ones who could provide the resources needed to protect the planet after the war, and that he is making the best of a bad situation for the sake of the greater good, which Dot sympathizes with, and the two leave to fetch the kids. In the training room, Twitch keeps the lasers focused on her while Thrash launches himself off a pillar and tosses Robby and Mo up to the holographic human, completing the simulation and restoring the room to normal. The door unlocks, revealing the cadets with their weapons drawn, but Optimus and Dot arrive and he dismisses them, saying he will take care of "arresting the Decepticons". As Dot hugs her children, Optimus receives a call from Bumblebee, warning him that Schloder will be at HQ in moments. By the time Schloder arrives, however, he finds the place empty, as Optimus is already taking the others to a secret exit. On their way, they pass through a secret holding facility containing all of the apprehended Decepticons. A regretful Optimus explains he is trusting Dot with this secret, hoping to one day find a better way to keep the planet safe.
Later that night, Robby knocks on Mo's window and the two move to the barn roof to talk. Robby finally admits to Mo about his nightmares and his fear of losing the Terrans, and that he didn't tell her because he feels it's his job as the oldest to be brave. Mo reassures him that he doesn't have to be brave alone, and that fear of loss shouldn't scare him away from caring about people. Their bond reforged, the two go to invite the Terrans to a late-night "monster hunt".