Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

He's staring you down for not having had a picture of him up sooner.

Larry C. "Bumper" Robinson II (June 19, 1974) is an American actor/voice actor. He received the nickname "Bumper" from learning to walk at a young age and repetitively bumping into things in his home. Probably his most popular acting role has been Clarence on Amen, and in the world of voice acting, his known roles are Philo Quartz from The Flintstone Kids, Dwight Conrad from Futurama, Carter from the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, Black Lightning from Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Danny Picket from What's with Andy?, War Machine from The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Bloxx, Juryrigg, Rook Blonko and more from Ben 10: Omniverse, Cyborg from Justice League: Doom and the Lego video games and Falcon in various Marvel Comics media.

Voice roles

Transformers Animated

Convention appearances

External links
