Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Bullet is a human from the Masterforce portion of the Generation One continuity family.
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Bullet (ボレット Boretto) is an Autobot-allied Godmaster, a human in a Cybertron-made suit of armor that allows him to transform into an engine and control compatible transtector bodies.


Super-God Masterforce[]

  • Bullet (Godmaster Warrior, 1988)
Bullet is a blue and red redeco of the Powermaster Nebulan Lube. He was sold in a small box in Japan as part of the Masterforce series, along with the other separate Godmaster engines Aquastar and Zetca.
This mold as also used to make the Godmaster engine form of Road King.

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