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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
IMG 1944

Bruce Brazos is the highly-driven boss of Accuretta Systems. Though his work ethic is second-to-none, you might get the vague feeling that something is not quite right about him. He makes for a harsh boss if you have a rebellious streak, so he and Sam Witwicky are going to get along just fine.

He may or may not know karate.




Dark of the Moon film[]

Actor: John Malkovich
IMG 1945
Voice actor: Tetsuo Kanao (Japanese dub), moreĀ»

Bruce was surprised when one of the applicants for a job opening, Sam Witwicky, had a letter of recommendation from the board. He asked Sam to impress him, but the response he got didn't really work for him. Partway through the interview, he spotted that Shontel had somehow acquired a red cup, when she was working on the yellow floor, and ordered one of his minions to take care of this "visual and therefore visceral betrayal". When Sam decided to go, Bruce gave him a speech to the effect that the mailroom job was the job between him and the job he really wanted. This convinced Sam to take the job. Sometime later, Bruce was looking for someone to do some lunchtime filing and pick up some "Bruce Brazos points" and picked Sam, who was having a visit from his girlfriend Carly Spencer. Though she got off on the right foot by complementing Bruce's hair, she then presented Sam with a bright red cup containing raspberry sticks. Presumably she got no Bruce Brazos points. OK, I'll refund your ticket to Eragon...

At some point, Bruce ventured into the men's lavatory to wash up, and was confronted by the sight of Sam and Jerry Wang emerging from a stall, the latter with his trousers around his ankles. Wang proceeded to have a staring contest with Bruce. The next time Bruce saw Wang, he was startled by Wang falling past the window during a meeting Bruce was having. He urged his workers to return to their jobs and ignore the man splattered across the pavement outside. As he was telling Sam to get cracking with the cleanup, a nearby photocopier transformed into Laserbeak and threw Bruce through some shelving.

Sporting a bandage on his nose, Bruce took some information on Wang's activities to Witwicky's apartment in exchange for being able to see one of the Autobots. Sam let him in so he could throw karate moves at Bumblebee. After wriggling on the floor for a bit while Bumblebee aimed a cannon at him, Bruce was asked to leave by Simmons. Dark of the Moon
