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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

The British TRF Soldiers They serve as operatives of the United Kingdom TRF branch in London, England that also hunt down Transformers and Autobot sympathizers regardless of faction.



During the TRF's formation, the British TRF are basically similar to their American counterpart, albeit they are more high intelligent and are mostly a specialized police force, hunting down anyone that sympathizes with Transformers in England and eliminating any Transformer if they are hiding in England. They are mostly independent from the government and the British military, though they work closely with MI6 and the London authorities, and are possibly backed by the British Prime Minister.

At some point, they have also set up a warrant for Cade Yeager's management of Autobots, and were assigned to catch him if he were to arrive in England. They are implied to also go after Edmund Burton and Cogman due to Edmund being a member of the Order of the Witwiccans and Cogman being a headmaster.

Finding Cade Yeager and Chase in London[]

At some point, working with the British intelligence and London authorities, they were able to locate Cade Yeager, who was inside Edmund Burton's castle where it had been revealed that he needed to find the staff to stop Cybertron's collision with Earth. Approaching the castle, they were ordered it to lock it down at all costs as they began approaching the entrance. As Cade and Viviane got inside Bumblebee, the British TRF and MI6 agents got off their vehicles as they tried to arrest the Autobot fugitives, but Hot Rod decided to buy time for their escape by using his time stopping weapon on the agents for a short period of time, allowing Cade, Viviane, and Bumblebee to escape alongside Cogman and Edmund Burton. The British TRF soldiers begun to go after them, which is witnessed by Santos, his personal lieutenant, and Colonel William Lennox, who arrived in the United States Navy's Fifth Fleet in England, to monitor the situation.

Viviane Wembly and Cade Yeager went to her mother’s house as they tried to look for answers and clues while trying to hide from their pursuers, while Edmund and Cogman went to the library to find clues as well. Edmund would find out that Earth is Unicron and Quintessa intends to suck his life horns for Cybertron's life, with the location being at Stonehenge, while Cade and Viviane find out that the clue leading to the staff is the H.M.S. Alliance Museum, which turns out that the submarine is a Transformer that will lead them to the location of the staff. However, they were interrupted by the arrival of British TRF agents, to the point they escaped in the nick of time as the agents surrounded Viviane's mother and the rest of the elders, demanded the whereabouts of Cade, whereas Cogman and Edmund switched their vehicles into a McLaren 750s to avoid detection. Most of the British TRF and London police mostly went after Edmund and Cogman as Viviane informed him that the clue leads to the H.M.S. Alliance museum. As the London police went after Bumblebee and Hot Rod, the latter decided to divert the cops in order to buy time for Bumblebee to escape, to the point that the London authorities have also spotted and also went after Barricade, who also went after Bumblebee. In the ensuing chase, one TRF SUV crashed onto a traffic car as the authorities still chased Edmund. As Cogman tried dodging the traffic in London while evading their pursuers, Edmund was able to pull a middle finger on one of the vehicles, to the point that he told Cogman to blast one of the vehicles. Cogman was able to use his mouth to fire a missile at one of the operatives' vehicles, blowing off its front tires and crashing through a nearby wall as other SUVs also crashed into it as well, presumably killing both operatives. This results in most of the TRF and London police abandoning the pursuit on them. Barricade still continued to pursue Bumblebee until the latter was able to defeat him easily once more before heading into the H.M.S. Alliance. While not shown, it could be implied that Viviane’s mother and the elders told the operatives where Cade and Viviane went to, and may have left the apartment since capturing Viviane’s mother and the elders weren’t important for them.


At some point, Edmund Burton begun warning the British Prime Minister of Cybertron's impending destruction on Earth and told him to mobilize the British Military to Stonehenge, and it is mostly implied that he told the Prime Minister to stop persecuting Autobots since it would mean severe consequences to Earth. A TRF helicopter was able to pick him up and drop him off at Stonehenge, where the British Military begun opening fire on Megatron, though it failed and Edmund died as a result. However, his death was not in vain as the TRF would team up with Cade and the Autobots once more into stopping Quintessa. As a result, the British TRF is implied to have been dissolved after they realized that hunting down persecuting and destroying Autobots would have severe consequences for Earth. Now, the UK TRF finally learned its lesson what consequences could happen, which they can't handle on their own such as Cybertron's approach on Earth, and that they've realized that only Viviane Wembly can use the staff to prevent the merger of Cybertron and Earth, which is something the British Prime Minister would also be aware of as well.


v - e - dTransformers-logo-font
Bumblebee - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Transformers - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Transformers: Age of Extinction - Transformers: The Last Knight
Sam Witwicky - Mikaela Banes - Carly Brooks-Spencer- William Lennox - Robert Epps - Maggie Madsen - Glen Whitmann - John Keller - Agent Simmons - Thomas Banachek - Ronald Witwicky - Judith Witwicky - Archibald Witwicky - Bobby Bolivia - Akram - Mahfouz - Manny - Miles Lancaster - Mr. Hosney - Colonel Sharp - Admiral Brigham - Charlotte Mearing - Sarah Lennox - Little girl - College Student - Smithsonian Guard - Dylan Gould - Mearing - Bruce Brazos - Dutch - Jerry Wang - General Morshower - Hardcore Eddie - Buzz Aldrin - Bill O'Reilly - Voshkod - President Kennedy - President Nixon - Defense Secretary McNamara - Neil Armstrong - Cosmonaut Dimitri - Cade Yeager - Tessa Yeager - Shane Dyson - Joshua Joyce - Harold Attinger - James Savoy - Darcy Tirrel - Su Yueming - Lucas Flannery - CIA Director - Cemetery Wind Team - Izabella - Viviane Wembly - Edmund Burton - Arthur Pendragon - Santos - TRF lieutenant - TRF Group Leader - American TRF soldiers - British TRF Soldiers - Jack Burns - Powell - Charlie Watson - Sally Watson - Otis Watson - Ron - Memo
Sentinel Prime - Optimus Prime - Bumblebee - Jazz - Ratchet - Ironhide - Skids - Mudflap - Sideswipe - Arcee - Jolt - Jetfire - Wheelie - Brains - Mirage - Wheeljack - Roadbuster - Leadfoot - Topspin - Hound - Drift - Crosshairs - Sqweeks - Canopy - Cogman - Daytrader - Hot Rod - Volleybot - Bulldog - Lieutenant
Fallen - Megatron/Galvatron - Starscream - Barricade - Frenzy - Brawl - Bonecrusher - Blackout - Scorponok - Demolishor - Sideways - Soundwave - Ravage - Reedman - Alice - Scrapmetal - Long Haul - Mixmaster - Rampage - Scalpel - Grindor - Scrapper - Scavenger - Hightower - Overload - Devastator - Shockwave - Driller - Laserbeak - Crankcase - Crowbar - Hatchet - Loader - Devcon - Stinger - Junkheap - KSI Bosses - Two-Heads - Traxes - Nitro Zeus - Onslaught - Berserker - Dreadbot - Mohawk
Guardian Knights
Grimlock - Slug - Scorn - Strafe - Mini-Dinobots - Dragonicus - Stormreign - Steelbane - Skullitron - Dragonstorm
Quintessa - Seven Primes - Lockdown - Steeljaws - Infernocons - Skulk - Rupture - Thrash - Gorge - Glug - Infernocus - Unicron
What I've Done
Transformers 2
Transformers 3
New Divide
Transformers 4
Heartbreaker - Nasty Girl - Dat Slap - First Light - U Can't Touch This - Moonlight Reflected on the Er-Quan Spring - Daybreak - All For You - Battle Cry
Transformers 5
Going Back To Cali - U Can't Touch This - Mambo No. 5 - I Don't F**k With You - When My Man Comes Home - Torches
Back to Life
Battle of Mission City - Battle of Egypt - Battle of Chicago - Battle of Hong Kong - Battle for the Staff
Detroit - Michigan - Hoover Dam - California - Alamogordo - Boston - Columbia Bay - Las Vegas - Washington, D.C. - Oklahoma - San Diego - USA - Qatar
Transformers 2
Pennsylvania - Egypt - Jordan - Arizona - New Mexico - California - Virginia - Washington, D.C. - China - Shanghai - New Jersey - New York City - Paris - USA
Transformers 3
Milwaukee - Detroit - Michigan - Chicago - Georgia - Russia - Ukraine - Iran - Indiana - Florida - Cambodia - Texas - Los Angeles - California - New York City - Washington, D.C. - USA
Transformers 4
Hong Kong - Monument Valley - Jasper - Detroit - Austin - Pontiac - Chicago - Lockhart - Elgin - Iceland - Taylor - Texas - Moab - Pflugerville - Melber Lane - Uptown Theatre - Beijing - Washington, D.C. - Kayenta - Milford - 300 East Randolph Street - St. Boniface Church - Union - Michigan - China - USA
Transformers 5
London - Chicago - Washington, D.C. - Cuba - China - Hong Kong - Egypt - Jordan - UK - USA
See Also
"Romeo & Juliet" Law - Quintessa
NSA - FBI - Sector Seven - NEST - CIA - United Nations - Cemetery Wind - Kinetic Solutions Incorporated - Transformers Reaction Force - MI6