Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki


Transformers: Retribution[]

Brawn was one of the many Autobots who left Cybertron aboard the Ark. When the Autobots reached Aquatron, he was part of the contingent who made planetfall under the command of Optimus Prime, and was among the crewmembers arrested by Quintessons. Found innocent of crimes against the Quintesson Imperium, Brawn was fed to Piranhacons in the city of Hydratron's Hall of Justice opposite Ramjet

Transformers: Robots in Disguise[]

Following the restoration of Cybertron from the Great War, Brawn was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime
