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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

Blacker is the commanding officer of the Brainmasters car trio and second in rank to Star Saber among the Earth Autobots. Blacker is possibly the most experienced warrior among the Autobots of Earth and is considered the senior member of the elite Brainmaster unit, making him one of the most respected Autobots around. Blacker tends to take this very seriously and is constantly trying to set the proper example for his fellows. Most Autobots take this in stride with his prestige though Wingwaver considers it highly patronizing. Blacker is more than willing to sacrifice himself for others and has been crippled several times saving others. As a member of the Brainmasters, Blacker is also an instrumental component of Road Caesar as he forms both the torso and arms.

English/Malay dub name: Roader (not his real name at all)
English Shout! Factory subtitle name: Gripper ( not his real name)
Russian dub name: Бластер ("Blaster")



Victory cartoon[]

Voice actor: Kōji Totani (Japanese), (English/Malay) Simon Broad
The brainmasters

Blacker with Laster, Braver, and Star Saber next to the monitor.

Blacker Alternate Mode (crisis ambush in the desert)

Alternate Mode

Blacker vs Killbison (Victory)

Blacker vs Killbison

Blacker making a face at Goryu (Victory)

Blacker making a face at Gōryū

In the year 2025 Blacker was the commander of the Sector One contingent of the Universal Defense force that protects Earth and other planets threatened of the Decepticons Blacker was taking to God Ginrai to calm down about the new Emperor of Destruction when suddenly interrupted by Holi and Jan Minakaze who was reporting that the Decepticons have attacked the earth force’s lunar base. Blacker quickly ordered them to inform Laster and Braver and went to attack the Dinoforce. The three tried their best to fight but they are outnumbered. Eventually the Multiforce came to help the brainmasters. Then Star Saber finally arrived and asked the Brainmasters to retreat as Star Saber fought the Dinoforce and Deathsaurus. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber, He was present at the meeting and laughed with everyone else when Dashtacker got humiliated after jumping to conclusion. He later was alerted that Wingwaver was under attack by the Dinoforce. He and the other Brainmaster car trio were overwhelmed by Dinoking so Star Saber had to fight Dinoking instead. Sneak Attack! Dinoking, Blacker and the other Brainmaster car trio members combined into Road Caesar to fight Dinoking. Attack! Leozack, The trio later battled the Breastforce at a desert energy plant. Unite!! Multiforce, When Leozack was attacking the Ocean Exhibit with the Dinoforce, Blacker, Laster, Braver fought Dinoking once again as Road Caesar, Unite!! Multiforce, When Wingwaver volunteered to join Laster and Braver on a mission to rescue humans trapped in the Neo Uranium mines, Blacker cautioned the over-eager "kid" that he might lose his life in the process. Wingwaver was adamant on going, grumbling to Laster and Braver about Blacker's patronizing attitude all the way, but when the mission resulted in success, Blacker was first to congratulate Wingwaver on a job well done. Infiltration... The Uranium Mine, That didn’t change anything though. Blacker still doubted Wingwaver's judgment and later insisted that he be allowed to lead the Multiforce on a mission into the Amazon to locate a Decepticon energy base. Infuriated by Blacker's consistently condescending commands, Wingwaver wound up striking a tree in his anger, startling a flock of birds and inadvertently giving away the Autobots' position to the Decepticons. In the ensuing attack, Blacker risked life and limb hauling Dashtacker out of a river when he got stuck in its muddy bed, and then broke off from the Multiforce to lead the pursuing Dinoforce away from them. Guilty over his mistake, Wingwaver followed Blacker and aided him in holding off the Dinoforce. With the two Autobots keeping the Dinoforce busy, Star Saber was able to destroy the Decepticons' energy base. Blacker wrote off the shambles the mission had descended into on his own carelessness. Star Saber could clearly see that he was attempting to cover for Wingwaver, but said nothing, merely requesting that Blacker stop referring to Wingwaver as a "kid" Explosion!! The Energy Base, Blacker later accompanied Star Saber and the other Brainmasters on a mission into the tunnels of an American subway system where Blacker was fought Killbison and bent his turrets and dragged him with a rope. However they continued fighting after Killbison transformed into bot mode. Big City - Underground Terror, Clash!! Two Great Heroes, The New Warrior - Hellbat, Blacker and Braver were guarding an oil tanker. Attack the Shuttle Base!!, Tanker Hijack Operation, Move Out!! Breastforce, Rescue Jean!!, A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid, The Brainmasters and Multiforce were subsequently left to protect Earth alone while Star Saber headed off to planet Micro, but the Breastforce had also left the planet, meaning they only had the Dinoforce to deal with. Not exactly a challenge. Jan asked Blacker if he wanted a souvenir and Blacker said for Jan to return home safe with school work done. Rescue! Gaihawk, Battle Up of Wrath!!, Lured into the desert by the Breastforce, Blacker suddenly found himself fighting alone when Laster and Braver's heavy vehicle modes caused them to sink beneath the shifting sands, just as the villains had planned. As a dune buggy, Blacker was able to manoeuvre just fine, but found himself badly outnumbered and at the mercy of the Breastforce until the wandering samurai Autobot Greatshot arrived to help him. When Greatshot was nearly overwhelmed, Blacker leapt to his aid, but had his arm blown off by Decepticon fire. Fortunately, Star Saber arrived to pluck Braver and Laster out of the sand so that they could get Blacker to safety while he dispatched the Decepticons. Crisis! Ambush in the Desert, A Deadly Battle, Ginrai Dies!!, Fight!! Victory Leo, Ultimate Crisis!! Autobots, The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification, A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs, The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!, The Strongest! Victory Saber, The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves, The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress!, Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification


Blacker appeared in zone but only as Road Caesar.

Victory manga[]

Blacker was ego deflated when he didn’t get themed for Victory Armor.

Blacker Release

Image of Blacker's toy release from 1989



  • Blacker (1989)
    • Japanese ID number: C-320
    • Accessories: Sword, blaster/Road Caesar head, shield/Road Caesar chestplate
Blacker transforms into a racing buggy with oversized studded tires. His incredibly simplistic transformation for his size is due to the Brainmaster gimmick in his torso: placing his smaller robot "Brainmaster" body into the open chest cavity then closing the plate pushes the inner core of the small robot up, forming the larger robot's face. In car mode, his shield and blaster combine and attach to his roof for an assault mode.
As with the other Brainmasters, Blacker's smaller Brainmaster robot is designed to look like a miniature version of his larger robot mode.
Blacker also forms the entire upper body (basically, everything from the knees up) to Road Caesar. As he's the same size as his teammates, this makes for a rather doofy-looking super robot. His sword also combines with the swords from his teammates to form a bigger weapon for their combined form.
Reportedly, there is a variation on the Brainmaster figure: initial releases of the toy gave the large robot face yellow optics, while later releases gave it the cartoon-Autobot medium blue.
This mold was used to make Gripper.
  • Road Caesar (Multi-pack, 1989)
    • Japanese ID number: C-323
All three smaller Brainmasters were available in Japan both in individual boxes and in a complete Road Caesar gift-set.


Victory blacker

Blink and you'll... nope, sorry, you missed it.

  • The Brain Masters, despite it being their central toy gimmick, never use their smaller robot components in the anime outside of stock footage sequences. Because he's the leader of the team and the star of their stock footage sequence, Blacker has the most shots of his brain unit visible in these cut scenes -- including the only closeup shot of any kind from the trio's brain units. This shot appears for about one frame.
  • Blacker is the second in command of the Autobots, and he's also a jerk. Sound familiar?

External links[]
