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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
The name or term Armorhide refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Armorhide (disambiguation).

Armorhide is an Autobot from the Cybertron portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.

If Bill Hicks were an Autobot...

Before the war with the Decepticons, Armorhide was a stand-up comic, performing most of his shows in the great hall of Altihex. But when Altihex was destroyed in a Decepticon raid while Armorhide was touring other cities, Armorhide joined the Autobot ranks, eager for revenge.

His comedy and desire to make people laugh sometimes seem at odds with his nature on the battlefield; he is a tough, merciless fighter who gets angry and frustrated when things seem to turn against the Autobots. It's possible his anger at a mission that doesn't run perfectly is somehow related to his time as a comedian... on the stage or in the trenches, he gives his all to get the desired result, be it a standing ovation or the destruction of his enemies.


How can anyone make jokes on a planet like Combatron? He ultimately delivered a punchline all right. Force of Habit



  • Armorhide (Scout class, 2005)
Cybertron Armorhide toy

Wow, it's Reginald, here again ahead of schedule! It's as though... he ain't stoppin' out there!

Originally Intended For A New Form For Ironhide, Armorhide transforms into a semi tractor-trailer cab with hook-crane attachment. Plugging a Cyber Planet Key into the back of his cab flips his grill down, exposing a rack of eight (non-firing) missiles. This feature is also available in his robot mode. Unlike most Cybertron toys, Armorhide can store a Cyber Planet Key using tabs on his hook-crane/rifle. He came with a silver-bordered Earth Key with the Key code s645 stamped on the back.
Armorhide was not sold in Takara's counterpart line, Galaxy Force.
This mold was used to make Timelines Huffer and movie-franchise Armorhide.

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