Antillian bumble-puppies are an adorable life-form native to the Autobot colony world Antilla. Autobots are apparently very fond of them.
Mini Mayhem comics[]
Jazz reminds Bumblebee that no matter how cool the Fallen may seem, he once shot down a ship filled with Antillian bumble-puppies, and that means he's not an appropriate role model. [1]
The profile for Thunderblast remarks that Autobots would rather shoot at Antillian bumble-puppies than at a female.
The presence of bumble-puppies in Transformers fiction is an homage to Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World," where the creatures were used by social engineers to properly condition (and brainwash) children.
- ↑ Fanclub-exclusive Mini Mayhem strip, March 19, 2007