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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
Amalgoumos Prime

Amalgamous Prime is one of the Thirteen who was introduced via the Prime continuity.

Amalgamous Prime was one of the Original Thirteen Primes. He was the trickster of the Primes, also had quite a short fuse and was easily frustrated. His artifact was the Transformation Cog, from which all later T-Cogs would be modeled. His however was far more advanced than any other's; he was also the first Shifter, a subclass of Cybertronians with particularly advanced T-cogs, which enable them to assume a far greater variety of forms, including even other Cybertronians.



Amalgamous Prime was at the testing of the Requiem Blaster by Solus Prime. After the test, Solus voted to destroy it because it was too powerful. Amalgamous voted against its destruction.


  • Amalgamous Prime's description in Exiles as both a trickster and a shapeshifter with big horns makes him similar to Loki.